The Zaniya Center- Special Congressional Recognition


The Zaniya Center- Special Congressional Recognition

We are honored to share that Carla Cooper, Owner of The Zaniya Center, was nominated by a client for the Special Congressional Recognition certificate from US Representative Derrick Van Orden and she was presented with this last Thursday!

If you didn't know, Carla Cooper is certified with the VA to provide massage therapy to veterans. Approximately 80% of her clientele over the past 12 months have come from the VA and she is truly honored to be serving those who served us.

Derrick and Carla (and his team and 2 veteran guests) had a great discussion on what needs to change so she can continue her work through the VA and with massage. 

Carla said "Thank you Veterans for your service and for trusting me with your care."

Float, Massage Therapy and TRE in Chippewa Falls, WI - the-zaniya-center (

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